Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Roxburghe Golf Course

Second session at the Roxburghe Golf Course.  Wind conditions settled and it was a great night on the course taking images of the various holes.  The images will be used as part of the re-branding for the Roxburghe's new website.  Single handicapper and older brother, Gary Fairgrieve, hitting a fairway wood down the 7th Hole as the sun sets over the Peniel Heugh.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Roxburghe Golf Course - For Whom The Bell Tolls!

Just started a project for the Roxburghe Golf Course to re-vamp their website with new images of the course.  6am start this morning with great light streaming through the clouds. By 6.15 no sunshine only bland cloud cover.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

New blog now live!

My new blog for www.flyfishingimages.co.uk is now live.  I must confess I'm new to all this 'Blogging' thing so please be patient and gentle with me!